International Students
National student information storage center
National student information storage center
  • Students

    Every year, thousands of students and alumni use our educational verification and report card ordering service. Currently enrolled students can also take advantage of online discounts by visiting

  • High School

    Thousands of high schools rely on information exchanges to provide their alumni with university admission and degree information. We also work with high school district and state education offices. The outreach program relies on an information exchange system to accurately assess the educational achievements of outreach participants.

  • Universities

    The services of the Infromation Center help organizations meet their growing needs for compliance, management, student access, accountability and analysis. Most colleges and universities in the United States rely o n the verification and reporting services of the Infromation Center and o ur unique student Tracker research service. The Infromation Center is also the largest provider of electronic student record exchange and post-secondary transcript ordering services in the United States.

  • Educational Services

    The Infromation Center regularly works with educational organizations across the country, including state and local institutions, to accurately assess the efforts of K-20 schools, while outreach programs he lp students succeed in higher education. Participating in the Infromation Center can help educate financial providers to eliminate paperwork, reduce default rates and reduce spending.

  • Student Loan

    Get all the information you need to apply for or manage federal student loan repayments.

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